The main stages of buying an apartment in the UAE

 If you decide to buy an apartment in Dubai or other Emirates, you will have to go through several basic stages of real estate registration.

The procedure may differ depending on some factors. Among them are the type of real estate object, the stage of construction and other nuances. Therefore, it will be right to enlist the support of experienced agents and use their professional services.

Stages of registration

Many of you will be interested to look at the luxury apartments on the site, the owners of which you can become today. To do this, you need to choose a suitable option and make a payment. Yes, the procedure seems simple. But in fact, when buying real estate, including apartments, you should go through several basic stages of registration.

  • Selection of the object. First you must decide what exactly you want to buy in the Emirates. Enlist the support of a licensed realtor who knows all the nuances, is familiar with the infrastructure of the Emirates and will help you find the perfect apartment for purchase. Taking into account that all documents must be translated into Arabic, qualified assistance will definitely not be superfluous;

  • Reservation agreement. If you buy an apartment on the primary market, then you need to sign a special reservation agreement and pay the required amount. Usually it is from 5 to 30% of the full cost. In addition, a registration fee of 4% is paid;

  • SPA agreement. This is a contract of sale, relevant for the Emirates. You can purchase the property with your own funds or by taking out a mortgage. If you choose a mortgage, be prepared to pay an additional fee;

  • OQOOD certificate. This is issued if you are buying an apartment or other property under construction;

  • Title Deed. This is a certificate that confirms your right to own a completed construction project. This document is issued after the construction is completed and the building is put into operation.

If the foreigner has met all the conditions for buying an apartment to obtain a resident visa, he collects a package of documents and applies to the relevant state body. Let us say at once that it is better to entrust this procedure to migration specialists. This will greatly simplify the solution of the issue and will save effort and time. This is especially relevant if a foreign investor is abroad and wants to purchase real estate and become a resident remotely, without a mandatory personal visit to the country.
